On August 6, 2017, exactly 72 years after the criminal bombing of the Japanese city of Hiroshima by the United States, the city of Almada, in Portugal, hosted an initiative promoted by the Portuguese Council for Peace and Cooperation and the Municipal Councils of Almada and Seixal - members of the Municipalities for Peace Movement -, which called for the end of nuclear weapons and for general disarmament, simultaneous and controlled.
Recientemente el presidente de los Estados Unidos de América, Donald Trump declaró que “no descarta el uso militar para solucionar el conflicto en Venezuela y que no aceptará una dictadura en el país latinoamericano”.
The Portuguese Council for Peace and Cooperation (CPPC) strongly condemns and regards as very serious the statements made by US President Donald Trump on August 11, stating that the US administration has many options for Venezuela, Including the "military option".
El día de ayer 11 de agosto el presidente de los Estados Unidos, Donald Trump, declaró que maneja varias opciones respecto a la situación de Venezuela y que no descarta la opción militar y por si hubiera dudas respecto a sus intenciones agregó "Tenemos tropas en todo el mundo, en lugares muy, muy lejanos y Venezuela no está lejos".
Ante estos hechos la Coordinadora Mexicana de Solidaridad con Venezuela manifiesta.
Das Sekretariat des Weltfriedensrates in Athen veröffentlichte am Mittwoch als Reaktion auf die Resolution des UN-Sicherheitsrats zu Nordkorea vom vorigen Samstag eine Erklärung:
Der Weltfriedensrat (WFR) drückt seine ernsthafte Sorge aus über die jüngste Resolution des UN-Sicherheitsrats vom 5. August, die der Demokratischen Volksrepublik Korea (DVRK) und ihrem Volk neue Sanktionen auferlegt.
The Committee Against War Milan ("Comitato Contro la Guerra Milano" CCLGM ), welcomes the victory of Venezuela constituent vow, that demonstrated democracy and showed brave lesson by massive cabinet participation.
The WPC is underlining 56 years from the start of the dirty imperialist war of the USA against the Vietnamese people the need for comprehensive and overall compensation of the victims of the toxic ‘Agent Orange’, their relief and overall support. The US administrations all these years never acknowledged their heavy responsibility towards a people and a country which fought with dignity for its freedom and the right to determine alone its fortunes.
The World Peace Council (WPC) expresses its serious concern about the recent resolution of the UN Security Council on the 5thof August (2371/2017) to impose new sanctions against the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and its people.
The position taken by the foreign ministers of the four Mercosur founding member countries to suspend Venezuela from the bloc deserves all repudiation. It is a clear demonstration of interference coming even from a completely illegitimate government, the post-coup d'Etat government of Brazil.
La posición tomada por los cancilleres de los cuatro países miembros fundadores del Mercosur de suspender a Venezuela del bloque merece todo el repudio. Ésta es una clara demostración de injerencia incluso de un gobierno completamente ilegítimo, el gobierno golpista de Brasil.