
The Portuguese Council for Peace and Cooperation (CPPC) repudiates the objectives of today's visit to Portugal by NATO Secretary General Mark Rutte. The visit is part of a tour of several member countries of this warmongering political-military bloc with the aim, among other serious objectives, of intensifying the policy of confrontation and increasing spending on arms and war, heightening the risks of a widespread conflict of major proportions.

The Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals, as a voluntary, independent and non-partisan association of citizens founded 25 years ago, has publicly expressed its opinions and positions on important social issues on many occasions. According to the Forum's assessment today, these issues are:

- The necessity of peacefully overcoming all divisions, distrust and socio-political crises by uprooting their causes and by confidence building measures stabilizing society and its development.

The Portuguese Council for Peace and Cooperation (CPPC) salutes the ceasefire agreed between the Palestinian resistance and Israel, which, although limited, represents a relief in the suffering of the Palestinian people caused by the brutal Israeli aggression and for enabling access to urgent humanitarian aid for the Palestinian population of the Gaza Strip, which includes thousands and thousands of children.

Thousands of people walked the streets of Lisbon on January 18th, demanding an end to the war and a permanent ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, for Peace and Cooperation between peoples, for social progress.
Around 100 organizations from across the country signed the appeal and participated in the demonstration, adding strength to these demands.

The recent decision by the US government to exclude Cuba from its list of countries that allegedly support terrorism is belated and corrects an injustice committed against Cuba and its people. It should be remembered that Cuba's inclusion on this infamous list resulted in severe measures against the Cuban people, which caused serious economic damage and social consequences.

The CPPC salutes the march of the Cuban people against the blockade and the illegitimate inclusion of Cuba in the list of states that allegedly sponsor terrorism

The CPPC has always spoken out against the US economic and financial blockade against Cuba, demanding that it be lifted and Cuba’s removal from the illegitimate list of countries that allegedly sponsor terrorism.

Another year, another overwhelming vote: the United Nations General Assembly unanimously defends the lifting of the economic, commercial and financial blockade against Cuba, imposed by the United States for more than six decades and aggravated in recent years by the Trump and Biden administrations. In the vote held on October 30, 187 countries voted to end the blockade and only two - the US itself and Israel - voted against. Moldova abstained. This is the 32nd. time that the UN General Assembly has called for an end to this cruel blockade.

On this International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, the Portuguese Council for Peace and Cooperation (CPPC) reaffirms its demand for an immediate and permanent ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, the entry of sufficient humanitarian aid and the withdrawal of Israeli forces from the Palestinian territories, These are essential conditions to end the genocide that has been underway for more than a year - during which bombs, hunger and disease have killed tens of thousands of people (mainly children), decimated entire families and destroyed humanitarian, cultural, religious, healthcar


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