The World Peace Council (WPC) expresses its most vehement rejection and revolt against the approval of a law in the Israeli Parliament that illegitimately "regulates" the theft of Palestinian private land in the occupied West Bank. The WPC has expressed its firm solidarity to the Palestinian people in their struggle for liberation and, in this occasion, we reiterate our rejection for the occupation of their territory, calling for strengthening the international opposition to this regime.
In the begining of this year, based on our most recent debates and Assembly, we again assess the peoples' challenges around the world, in their strengthened anti-imperialist struggle for peace. Among the persistent and intensified challenges, we have consistently highlighted the spread of foreign military bases at the service of the US imperialist agenda and other powers of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).
It was a magnificent Concert for Peace that completely filled the Rivoli Theatre in Oporto, last January. Promoted by the Portuguese Council for Peace and Cooperation (CPPC), it had the support of the Oporto Town Hall and the committed participation of several organizations and around 200 artists, from all ages.
In the hall of the theatre was an exhibition of poetry for peace from students of several Oporto schools.
Protest march to protect port attacked with tear gas & water cannon
A large crowd engaged in a massive protest march today (1st) to protest against the government’s attempt to sign a secret agreement to sell the East terminal of Colombo Harbour to a joint American and Indian company.
The protest march that commenced opposite Colombo Harbour was marching towards Temple Trees when policed blocked it with barriers and attacked with tear gas and water cannon.
Political declaration adopted at the national conference of All India Peace and Solidarity Organisation (AIPSO) which was held at Kerala on 20-21 January 2017:
Thiruvananthapuram Declaration
The tensions between Turkey and Greece are on the rise again. The Aegean issue, which has been used by the bourgeois governments of both countries against each other for decades, is becoming a point of crisis, after a relatively long period of silence.
The Greek Committee for International Détente and Peace (EEDYE) underlines the dangerous character of the continuous violations of the air and maritime space of Greece, the challenging of the Lausanne Treaty regarding the Greek-Turkish borders and the threats of Turkey regarding the non-extradition of the Turkish officers who fled in July to Greece, by the Supreme Court.
The World Peace Council joins the people of the United States and around the world to express their deep concern over the plans and first actions of the new President of the world's greatest imperialist power, Donald Trump.
Faced with the continuation on January 23rd, in Rabat, Kingdom of Morocco of the trial of Sahrawi human rights activists, detained by the Moroccan authorities and already previously illegally prosecuted in a military tribunal on February 2013 and sentenced from 20 years to life imprisonment, the Portuguese Council for Peace and Cooperation promotes among the Portuguese organizations the subscription of the text “For the freedom of the Sahrawi political prisoners held in Morocco”.
Desde el inicio de su campaña Donald Trump, la idea de prolongar el muro de la ignomia, que desde tiempos de Clinton se empezó a construir a lo largo de la frontera, fue uno de los temas que abordo, con la agravante de que pretende que el costo lo paguemos los mexicanos.
En su desprecio hacia nuestro país Trump dijo; "No quiero tener nada que ver con México salvo la construcción de un MURO impenetrable". Y ha escrito "Me gusta provocar a mis adversarios para ver cómo reaccionan, si son débiles los aplasto y si son fuertes negocio".