The Portuguese Council for Peace and Cooperation, together with other Portuguese organisations, involved in the “Yes to Peace! No to NATO!” campaign have published a newspaper that is being distributed throughout the country in several public initiative denouncing NATO and its Warsaw summit.
See below the articles in English.

Yes to Peace! No to NATO!
- No to the warmongering aims of the Warsaw Summit

Castles of clouds gather on our collective horizon; the earth shakes under our feet.

Europe is experiencing times of crisis. A crisis that is political, financial and economical and cultural. We know how in the past these crises were "solved" through war.

But war has returned to Europe since the Balkans; the most reactionary right-wing forces win elections; the tragedy of refugees highlights Europe’s inability to respond with a joint system of protection. All over the world aggressions and military conflicts are taking place.

Around 150 people protested outside of an Army recruiting center in Times Square in New York City as NATO met on July 9th in Warsaw, Poland.

Speakers included some of the people on the No to NATO list including Al Marder of the US Peace Council, Bruce Gagnon of the Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space and myself, Joe Lombardo of the United National Antiwar Coalition. Other organizations that supported the action included Code Pink, Veterans for Peace, New Jersey and New York Peace Action, Black Agenda Report, BAYAN and several others.

The Portuguese Council for Peace and Cooperation and other mass organizations have been promoting several initiatives in Portugal denouncing NATO and the warmongering goals of its Warsaw summit. The initiatives have included the production and public distribution of several materials like posters, leaflets and a newspaper.
Leading up to the date of the summit several public initiatives will take place in different cities throughout the country namely in the on the 8th of July in Lisbon and on the 9th of July in Oporto.

Yes to Peace! No to NATO!

At the same time as the peoples throughout the world, and particularly in Europe, are demanding that they want Peace, in a climate of economic crisis and vicious austerity imposed by the governments of the European Union, thousands of children in the Middle East and Africa are dying in their attempts to reach a country that will offer them the bare minimum to survive and for a life with prospects, as well as many other children of their age. Imperialism’s machines are being reloaded to kill even more of these children. In this context.



An Urgent Appeal for a Joint Action
By the Peace and Antiwar Movement in the NY Metro Area

The drive by a nuclear-armed NATO to the borders of Russia — a nuclear-armed state — poses at the very least the risk of accidental nuclear war, and at worst the possibility of military confrontation between two nuclear powers.

On Saturday 11 June 2016 the peace assembly against NATO took place at the Municipality Hall of Prague. Event was organised under slogan of the World Peace Council´s campaign „YES TO PEACE! NO TO NATO!“ and was organised by the Czech Peace Movement and the Association of Soldiers against War and was supported by several peace organizations and initiatives.


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