Las organizaciones sociales y de masas de la Revolución Cubana que acompañamos los esfuerzos articuladores y de lucha por la justicia social y la unidad continental, manifestamosnuestra indignación y condena al golpe de Estado parlamentario que en el día de ayer consumó un paso alarmante en el propósito de destituir a la Presidenta Dilma Rousseff.
The organizations present at the European Regional Meeting held in Portugal in March, decided to promote in their countries solidarity initiatives with the refugees and against war, denouncing that this crisis has causes and those responsible.
One of the initiatives decided were to hold a day of solidarity actions on May 16th.
The organizations present at this Meeting approved the text “No to war! Solidarity with refugees!”.
In this framework, the organizations decided the designing of a flyer by the Portuguese Council for Peace and Cooperation (CPPC).
The interview with the President of the Association SOLDIERS AGAINST WAR
Jiří B u r e š, retired Colonel, on the actual topic.
HaNo: Mr. President, a few days ago you have attended the conference of World
Peace Council. Would you outline the atmosphere at the conference, its
contents, the place, etc...?
The South China Sea has been witnessing ever more complicated developments, with growing tension following China’s large-scale construction, military deployment and combined military-civilian operations, notably in the Paracel and structures in the Spratly archipelagos, which Chinese armed forces occupied in 1956, 1974 and 1988. Counter-moves have been taken in the South China Sea by other countries. All this is leading to dangerous threats to peace, security and stability in the region.
In the framework of the Global Action Day in Solidarity with Venezuela, celebrate last April 19th, the Portuguese Council for Peace and Cooperation developed several initiatives in Portugal, beyond the public statement it widely divulged, namely promoting:
(1) the cosigning of a solidarity text demanding the immediate withdrawal of Obama's Executive order against Venezuela (see below the text promoted by CPPC that has received the support of several Portuguese organizations);
Heir to the Peace movement, born in Portugal in the late 40s of the last century, the Portuguese Council for Peace and Cooperation (CPPC) created under the fascist dictatorship, was legally established 40 years ago, on April 24, 1976.
The Portuguese Council for Peace and Cooperation, joins the Global Action Day in Solidarity with Venezuela, celebrated today, saluting the International Solidarity Committee of Venezuela and the other popular Venezuelan forces that defend the important progressive advances achieved in the Bolivarian Revolution namely the sovereignty and independence of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela confronted with foreign interference and aggression.
Infamy and villainy were the main characters this Sunday (April 17th), in the House of Representatives. A session to fill with opprobrium those responsible for this hateful plot weaved by the Vice President of the Republic, Michel Temer, whose memory will bring shame to Brazilians for many generations.
By Socorro Gomes*
Infamia y vilanía han sido los personajes principales este domingo (17 de abril), en la Cámara de
los Diputados. Una sesión para llenar de oprobio a los responsables de esta trama tejida de odio por el Vicepresidente de la República, Michel Temer, cuya memoria traerá vergüenza a los brasileños durante muchas generaciones.
Por Socorro Gomes*
A infâmia e a vilania foram as protagonistas neste domingo (17), na Câmara dos Deputados. Uma sessão para encher de opróbrio os responsáveis da odiosa trama urdida pelo vice-presidente da República, Michel Temer, cuja lembrança vai encher de vergonha os brasileiros por muitas gerações.
Por Socorro Gomes*