The latest bomb attack in Istanbul, Turkey, has only added to the misery haunting the country and the region in recent years.
The ostensible culprit is again Daesh. A suicide bomber killed 10 innocent people, this time tourists visiting Istanbul.
The latest bomb attack in Istanbul, Turkey, has only added to the misery haunting the country and the region in recent years.
The ostensible culprit is again Daesh. A suicide bomber killed 10 innocent people, this time tourists visiting Istanbul.
Under the auspices of World Peace Council, the Peace Association of Turkey, Greek Committee for International Détente and Peace, and Cyprus Peace Council, held their 6th trilateral meeting on 11-13th December 2015, in Larnaka, Cyprus. The meeting was hosted and organised by Cyprus Peace Council under the slogan “Peoples of Mediterranean Resist to Imperialism and its Wars, for Peace”.
Forward for strengthening the WPC towards our next World Assembly in November 2016 in Brazil!
The Executive Committee meeting of the World Peace Council was held in Guantánamo, Cuba, on 20-21 November, 2015. The reports of WPC President Socorro Gomes and General Secretary Thanassis Pafilis are as follows:
Political report – Socorro Gomes, President of WPC
Dear comrades:
Downing of a Russian fighter by the Turkish Armed Forces near the Turkish-Syrian border has added a new dimension to the bloody process that has been going on in Syria for the last several years. This new dimension, in which Turkey and Russia confronted each other, is in fact, a linear part of AKP's policies and their extreme point.
The attacks that in Paris last Friday (13) deserve our strongest condemnation. By doing so, we express our heart-felt condolences to the victims' families and to the entire French people.
Terrorism is a brutal and cruel method that has as main target innocent people and should be condemned in the strongest terms.
El CMP denuncia y repudia todos los intentos de injerencia imperialista en los asuntos internos de Venezuela, incluidos los intentos de atacar, subvertir y derrocar el Gobierno elegido democráticamente.
Hacemos éste LLAMAMIENTO en el marco de las Elecciones Parlamentarias de Venezuela del 6 de diciembre de 2015 y de la clara evidencia de que ha surgido un ataque orquestado y coordinado de las fuerzas reaccionarias externas y domésticas y de élite para diluir la voluntad y la determinación del pueblo.
The WPC denounces and repudiates all attempts at imperialist interference in the internal affairs of Venezuela, including attempts to attack, subvert and remove the democratically elected Government.
We make this CALL against the background of the impending 6th of December 2015 Parliamentary Elections of Venezuela and the clear evidence that has emerged of an orchestrated and coordinated attack of reactionary external and domestic forces and elite to dilute the people’s will and determination.
On the occasion of a national holiday October 28th 2015, the day 97th anniversary of the founding of Czechoslovakia, the Czech Peace Movement organised in cooperation with other peace and anti-war organizations and initiatives, a demonstration for peace, democracy and sovereignty. The demonstration took place on the Square of the Republic in the center of Prague.
In the framework of the “Yes to Peace! No to NATO's military manoeuvres” campaign, promoted by the Portuguese Council for Peace and Cooperation and more than 30 other Portuguese organizations, including CGTP-IN, women and youth organizations, initiatives are taking place in Portugal.