Les communistes, les travailleurs et parties révolutionnaires du monde, nous exprimons notre soutien, et de solidarité avec le PEUPLE VÉNÉZUÉLIEN, le gouvernement du président constitutionnel Nicolas Maduro Moros, le Parti communiste du Venezuela, et le Comité de Solidarité Internationale (COSI) organisation membre du Comité exécutif du Conseil mondial de la paix (WPC) victimes d' une escalade interventionniste
I partiti comunisti, i partiti degli operai e di rivoluzionari del mondo manifestano i loro assoluti appoggio e solidarietá col popolo venezuelano, col Governo del Presidente costituzionale Nicolás Maduro, col partito Comunista del Venezuela e il comitato di solidarietá internazionel (COSI) Organizzasione membro del Comitato esecutivo del Consiglio Mondiale della Pace (WPC) vittime di una abominevole e nuova scalata injerencista dall’ imperialismo degli Stati Uniti, che é il preludio ad una dichiarazione di guerra.
Los Movimientos Sociales, Personalidades Internacionales, las Organizaciones No Gubernamentales, Gobiernos y Partidos Políticos del Mundo, manifestamos nuestro contundente apoyo, firme solidaridad y pleno respaldo al PUEBLO VENEZOLANO, al Gobierno del Presidente Constitucional Nicolás Maduro Moros, al Partido Comunista de Venezuela, y al Comité de Solidaridad Internacional (COSI) organización miembro del Comité Ejecutivo del Consejo Mundial de la Paz (CMP), víctimas de una abominable y nueva escalada injerencista por parte del imperialismo norteamericano que constituye el preludio a una dec
The democratic and left organizations, social movements and personalities, in the world, express our strong support and firm solidarity for the VENEZUELAN PEOPLE, the Government of the Constitutional President Nicolas Maduro Moros, the Communist Party of Venezuela, and the Committee of International Solidarity (COSI), member organization of the Executive Committee of the World Peace Council (WPC), victims of a new abominable and interventionist escalation by US imperialism which is the prelude to a declaration of war.
On April 2, 1976 the Constitution of the Portuguese Republic was adopted and promulgated establishing broad democratic rights - political, social, economic and cultural - achieved by the Portuguese people with the April Revolution, begun on April 25, 1974, pointing, namely, a course for the foreign relations of Portugal based on respect of sovereignty and national independence, a policy of peace, friendship and cooperation with all peoples of the world.
Build and Expand the WPC Campaign – Yes to Peace! No to NATO!
The 2016 NATO Summit will take place July 8-9 in Warsaw, Poland. It comes as NATO undertakes its “biggest collective reinforcement” of the past 2 decades. The World Peace Council is calling for mobilizations in all countries of the world, to coincide with the Warsaw Summit and to build the ongoing global campaign against NATO – Yes to Peace! No to NATO!
NATO: an enemy of peace and the people
This March 24th Serbia marks the 17th anniversary since the start of the NATO military aggression on its (FRY) territory.
Peoples of Europe for Peace
No to NATO
On the occasion of the visit of the President of the US to Cuba, on March 20-22, the organizations bellow decide to:
For the immediate withdrawal of USA's Executive Order