Following the adoption on last July 7th of the treaty on the prohibition of nuclear weapons leading towards their total elimination, and the opening of the document for subscription since September 20th in the UN headquarters in New York, the Portuguese Council for Peace and Cooperation (CPPC) has launched in Portugal, on the International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons, September 26th, the following petition addressed to the Portuguese Authorities.

Dear friends of the Caribbean organizations in the World Peace Council:
From Brazil, receive my warm greetings and salutation for such an important meeting of the Caribbean members of the World Peace Council, in a period of such great challenges for the peace forces in our region and in the world. The regional activities, in spite of the great difficulties we face, have to be celebrated as the strengthening of our common struggle and, therefore, I want to salute you effusively.

It is with dismay and revolt that we protest against the deportation, on Wednesday (Sept. 27), of the Sahrawi diplomat Jadiyetu El Mohtar Sid Ahmed, who arrived at Lima airport, in the Peruvian capital, on September 9, and have been since then prevented from entering the country. The diplomat was on hunger strike to denounce the controversial decision and still unsatisfactory explanations given by the Peruvian authorities.

Es con consternación y revuelta que protestamos contra la deportación, el miércoles 27 de septiembre, de la diplomática saharaui Jadiyetu El Mohtar Sid Ahmed, que llegó al aeropuerto de Lima, en la capital peruana, el 9 de septiembre, cuando se le impidió entrar en el país. La diplomática realizó una huelga de hambre para denunciar la polémica decisión y las explicaciones aún insatisfactorias dadas por las autoridades peruanas.

É com consternação e revolta que protestamos contra a deportação, nesta quarta-feira (27/09), da diplomata saráui Jadiyetu El Mohtar Sid Ahmed, que chegou ao aeroporto de Lima, capital peruana, em 9 de setembro e, desde então, continuava impedida de entrar no país. A diplomata estava em greve de fome para denunciar a decisão controversa e ainda não esclarecida satisfatoriamente pelas autoridades peruanas.

The General Assembly of the United Nations declared September 26th as International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons, on December 2013, following a meeting held on September 26th that same year, where there was demand of the urgent initiation of negotiations at the Disarmament Conference towards the rapid conclusion of a general convention on nuclear weapons, that prohibit the possession, development, production, acquisition, test, stockpiling, trade, use or threat to use these weapons, and that foresees its elimination.


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