Ireland Peace and Neutrality Alliance
PANA (Peace and Neutrality Alliance of Ireland) is going to host the First International Conference Against US/NATO Military Bases, to be held in Dublin, Ireland, from November 16-18, 2018. The conference is co-organised by the Coalition Against U.S. Foreign Military Bases, USA.
Keynote speakers of the conference are:
Dr. Zuhal Okuyan
Chairwoman, Peace Committee of Turkey
Thanassis Pafilis
General Secretary, World Peace Council; Member of Greek Parliament, Greece
Myriam Parada Avila
Executive Director, School of Peace Foundation, Colombia
Donald Trump's decision to withdraw the US from the Iran nuclear deal is a dangerous and irresponsible move, rightly condemned by the international community.
The ground-breaking 2015 deal achieved its central aim: Iran doesn't have a nuclear weapons programme. Only a president hellbent on making the world a more dangerous place would consider such a belligerent and counterproductive move. It will be seen as a step towards war and sends a threatening message to the world.
The Peace and Neutrality Alliance along with World Beyond War condemns unreservedly the overnight attacks carried out by Western powers on the Syrian Arab Republic.
The pretext for this offensive is that a chemical weapons attack has allegedly been carried out by the Syrian Government and that international law banning prohibiting chemical weapons must be upheld. Given that the bombing of a sovereign state is itself a violation of international law, we are being asked to believe that international law must be broken in order that it be upheld -- a manifest absurdity.
Ireland's Peace & Neutrality Alliance has published a pamphlet, discussing the militarization process of the European Union.
The Irish Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) annual commemoration for the victims of the Hiroshima atomic bomb will take place this Sunday, 6th August, at 1.10 p.m. at the memorial cherry tree in Merrion Square Park, Dublin 2.
Peace and Neutrality Alliance (PANA) of Ireland has published a booklet on the “Battle Groups” of the European Union. Attached you can find it; and the respective link to their website is:
For several years now PANA's campaign in favour of the right of the Irish people to have their own independent foreign policy with positive neutrality as its key component, where we have focused on opposing the use of Shannon Airport and Ireland's integration into the EU/US/NATO military structures have been ignored by the corporate media. This process reached an even greater level of censorship than usual when PANA commissioned RedC (a mainstream polling company that normally gets its results covered) to ask the people their views on Irish neutrality and the US/EU war on Syria.