Estimados camaradas:
El Comité de Solidaridad Internacional (COSI), organismo venezolano afiliado al Consejo Mundial de la Paz, desde el año 1972, ante la “Orden Ejecutiva” firmada por el presidente Barack Obama el pasado 9 de marzo, en la que injustamente se declaró a Venezuela como “una amenaza inusual y extraordinaria a la seguridad y política exterior de Estados Unidos”, manifiesta su preocupación por esta agresiva y peligrosa arremetida del imperialismo norteamericano en el marco de su polifacética ofensiva contra nuestro país.
19th April 2015- No to the imperialist aggression against Venezuela
The World Peace Council condemns and denounces the recent escalation of the imperialist aggressiveness against the people and government of Venezuela as expressed by the “executive order” of the US President B.Obama in which he declares the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela as an “unusual and extraordinary threat to the foreign policy and national security of the USA”.
Abolish all nuclear weapons!
Frente la última escalada en eventos agravados por las injerencias del imperialismo estadounidense, expresamos vehementemente, una vez más, en el nombre del Consejo Mundial de la Paz, nuestro repudio en contra de las agresiones a la República Bolivariana de Venezuela, y de los intentos de golpe del imperio, aliado a la oligarquía y la extrema-derecha venezolanas.
In the latest escalation of events aggravated by the US imperialist interferences, we again vehemently express, in the name of the World Peace Council, our repudiation of the aggressions against the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, and of the coup attempts by imperialism, allied to the Venezuelan oligarchy and the extreme-right.
The World Peace Council denounces the attempted destabilization of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and its elected by the people government, by reactionary political and social forces in the country with the support of powerful centers in the USA and the EU.
The World Peace Council receives the news, with triumphal joy, from the revolutionary island of Cuba, that the five Cuban heroes and anti-terrorists returned home. After 16 years away from their homes and their homeland, arbitrarily and illegally incarcerated in the USA, the release of the remaining three patriots Tony, Ramón and Gerardo coincides with the moment in which the relations between the US and Cuba are being re-evaluated.
The World Peace Council manifests again its complete condemnation against the Israeli regime’s criminal actions and reiterates its unrestricted solidarity to the Palestinian people in their struggle against the Zionist oppression and occupation. We sadly and outragedly denounce the escalation in violence by the Israeli forces, which again impose brutal and fatal repression on the Palestinians protesting against occupation.