O Conselho Mundial da Paz (CMP) denuncia veementemente a brutal escalada da violência do exército israelense contra o povo palestino em Jerusalém Oriental e Cisjordânia, que causou a morte de vários palestinos nos últimos dias. Embora não concordemos com ações cegas de vingança de qualquer lado, não podemos fechar os olhos diante da causa central das recentes tensões nos territórios palestinos, que é a ocupação contínua das terras palestinas por Israel e seu exército.

El Consejo Mundial de la Paz expresa su profundo rechazo a la escalada de amenazas contra la soberanía de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela y expresa su solidaridad militante con el pueblo de Venezuela, las fuerzas de paz e antiimperialistas y en particular con el Comité de la Solidaridad Internacional (COSI) . Las recientes provocaciones del presidente estadounidense Trump, coordinadas con la oligarquía local y la oposición reaccionaria, constituyen una flagrante violación de los principios de la Carta de la ONU y una grave injerencia en los asuntos internos de Venezuela.

The World Peace Council expresses its profound rejection to the escalating threats against the sovereignty of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and expresses its militant solidarity with the people of Venezuela, the anti-imperialist peace forces and in particular with the Comittee for International Solidarity (COSI). The recent provocations of US President Trump, coordinated with the local oligarchy and reactionary opposition, constitute a flagrant violation of the principles of the UN Charter and a gross interference in the internal affairs of Venezuela.

The World Peace Council (WPC) denounces vehemently the brutal escalation of violence of the Israeli army against the Palestinian people in East Jerusalem and the West Bank, which have caused the death of several Palestinians the last days. While we do not agree with blind actions of revenge from any side, we cannot close our eyes in front of the root cause for the recent tensions in the Palestinian territories, which is the ongoing occupation of the Palestinian lands by Israel and its army.

We have received the extremely serious news of the conviction of Saharawi activists of the "Gdeim Izik group" by the Kingdom of Morocco and their sentencing to severe punishment up to life imprisonment. We join the movements in solidarity with the Saharawi people in the struggle for their liberation from the Moroccan occupation in condemnation, in the strongest terms, and strongly rejection of the criminal process against the activists, who are persecuted for defending Western Sahara's self-determination!

The Brazilian Center for the Solidarity with the Peoples and Struggle for Peace (Cebrapaz) again expresses its strongest condemnation of the practices of the Moroccan occupation of Western Sahara, which again led to the conviction of the “Gdeim Izik” activist group to harsh sentences in a criminal process widely denounced as violating the activists’ rights as a penalty for their engagement in the struggle for the liberation of their nation.

It is with deep concern and revolt that we are following the renewed escalation of tensions in occupied Palestine and especially in Jerusalem, where the Israeli leadership again imposes provocative measures against the Palestinian people, in flagrant violation of the agreements with the Palestinian Authority and other Arab neighbors, advancing on the Al-Aqsa Mosque's compound.

The Congress of the Cyprus Peace Council (CPC) took place in Nicosia on 8th July with the participation of dozens of delegates from the whole island and the dicussion and adoption of a declaration which you can see below. The Congress was attended by personalities and representatives of political parties and movements of Cyprus and by guests from the Cuba, represented by Aleida Guevara, daughter of the revolutionary “Che” and by the General Secretary of the World Federation of Democratic Youth (WFDY), Jose Angel Maury.


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