The daily newspaper Morning Star in the UK has made an interview with Thanassis Pafilis, General Secretary of the World Peace Council on November, 30.
Saturday 16st November 2019, a assembly with a good number of participants was held at the State University of Milan, organized by the Committee Against Milan War with the collective "Milan en revolucion", member to the Movimiento Revolucion Ciudadana.
With our guest Pino Arlacchi, ex vice secretary of the UN Assembly and today advisor to the government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, the political, economic and social situation of the Latin American and Caribbean countries was discussed.
The Portuguese Council for Peace and Cooperation (CPPC) promoted on 16 November at the premises of the Professional School Bento de Jesus Caraça, in Lisbon, a conference "New Chalenges for Peace in Latin America.
Presided by Ilda Figueiredo and Luís Carapinha, from CPPC, and the ambassadors of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and the Republic of Cuba, Lucas Rincón Romero and Mercedes Martínez.
Representatives of the Colombians for Peace (Portugal), the Chileans in Portugal and the PT Brazil Lisbon chapter also spoke.
On Saturday, October 26 an on Sunday October 27, a demonstrations were held in the center of Milan, to show solidarity with the struggle of Chilean people.
The brutal and criminal repression carried out by Carabineros and the Chilean army, sent by the government of Sebastian Piñera against the people in the streets, was condemned.
The history of ferocious dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet is repeated. Crimes always carried out with the support of the EU, USA and its Latin American lackeys.
On Saturday, October 12, a demonstration was held in the center of Milan to condemn Turkey's aggression against Syria.
The imperialist aggression was condemned, the withdrawal of all foreign occupation forces was demanded, it was supported the sovereign right of the Syrian people to decide alone and freely their future and destiny. We express our solidarity with the brave Syrian people.
Hands off Syria!
Massive demonstrations and protests organized by the Greek Peace Committee (EEDYE) along with Trade Unions and popular organisations of women and youth took place on 5th October in Athens, Thessaloniki and many other Greek cities, on the occasion of the visit of the Secretary of State of USA, Mike Pompeo, to Greece.
The Portuguese Council for Peace and Cooperation promoted in Lisbon, on June 6, a vibrant and participated public initiative in solidarity with the peoples of Latin America. Held in Lisbon the initiative counted with the participation of Ilda Figueiredo, chairperson of CPPC, of the ambassadors of Cuba and Venezuela, of a member of the Workers Party from Brazil and a Colombian refugee, among other participants from different Portuguese organizations.
The Portuguese council for Peace and Cooperation, alongside two dozen other organizations, marked on april 4 in Lisbon and 5 in Porto, the 70 years of NATO with public initiatives, where the crimes of that aggressive political-military bloc were denounced as well as the dangers it represents for World peace and security.
Thousands of documents were distributed in this initiatives
CPPC’s speech in the initiative in Lisbon:
U.S. Peace Council held a press conference at the UN announcing a peace and solidarity delegation to Venezuela.
The Solidarity Mission will take place from 10-15 March and is composed of a 15-member delegation of important porsonalities of the US Peace Council and the Canadian Peace Congress.
The WPC has actively supported and facilitated the mission together with the Committee for International Solidarity (COSI) of Venezeula.