The All India Peace and Solidarity Organisation has issued the following statement strongly disapproving Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to Israel:
All India Peace and Solidarity Organisation
Political declaration adopted at the national conference of All India Peace and Solidarity Organisation (AIPSO) which was held at Kerala on 20-21 January 2017:
Thiruvananthapuram Declaration
The All India Peace & Solidarity Organisation expresses serious concern over the sharply deteriorating conditions in Iraq, which is under threat from the brutal and sectarian ISIS forces. After capturing big cities such as Mosul in the North and the border areas between Iraq, Syria and Jordan, these forces are now advancing towards the capital city of Baghdad.
The All India Peace and Solidarity Organisation strongly denounces the plans of the USA, France, UK, NATO and their allies in the Gulf region to attack Syria on the pretext of the alleged use of weapons of mass destruction by the Syrian government.