Este sábado (4), la derecha venezolana, mancomunada con sus patronos imperialistas, pasó a una nueva fase en su escalada terrorista para derrocar a la Revolución Bolivariana. Sicarios bajo el mando de fuerzas oscurantistas, recurriendo a tecnologías modernas, intentaron quitar la vida al presidente legítimo de Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro.
Por Socorro Gomes*

Junto a las fuerzas democráticas y amantes de la paz en todo el mundo, rechazamos esta acción terrorista, tanto como hemos luchado enérgicamente contra los intentos golpistas que sucesivamente ocurren en Venezuela.

No último sábado (4), a direita venezuelana, mancomunada com seus patrões imperialistas, passou a uma nova fase em sua escalada terrorista para derrocar a Revolução Bolivariana. Sicários a mando de forças obscurantistas, recorrendo a tecnologias modernas, tentaram tirar a vida do presidente legítimo da Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro.
Por Socorro Gomes*

Lado a lado com as forças democráticas e amantes da paz em todo o mundo, rechaçamos esta ação terrorista, tanto quanto temos lutado energicamente contra as intentonas golpistas que sucessivamente ocorrem na Venezuela.

The World Peace Council condemns in the most vehement way the attempt for assasination of the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela Nicolas Maduro, which constitutes a coward act of the forces which are trying since some time to destabilize the country ,its economy and elected government. The WPC denounces to the peace loving people of the world the foreign interference and the sponsoring of an economic war expressed in many ways including violent actions of forces with dubious agenda.

Communiqué of the Asia Pacific Regional Meeting of World Peace Council

The Asia Pacific Regional Meeting of World Peace Council has been successfully accomplished in Kathmandu Nepal during 27-28th July 2018. Participated by 44 delegates from seven countries (India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Laos, Greece and Nepal), the meeting concluded endorsing future activities till the month of December this year.

Following the actions decided in the meeting of WPC European member organizations, held in London on 26 May, and the consultation to WPC European member organizations we now divulge the text "ABOLISH NUCLEAR WEAPONS - HIROSHIMA AND NAGASAKI NEVER AGAIN", to mark the approaching 73rd anniversary of the US bombings against Hiroshima and Nagasaki.


The escalation in Nicaragua has drawn more attention from the popular and peace forces in Latin America and the Caribbean, and in the entire world. The signs of foreign interference, in particular from the US, are already clear in the domestic dispute which, from legitimate demands in the economic realm, has escalated to the violence today seen on the streets, despite the calls for dialogue from the government of President Daniel Ortega and the commitments he has made.

By Socorro Gomes*

La escalada de la crisis en Nicaragua ha atraído redoblada atención de las fuerzas populares y de la paz en América Latina y el Caribe y en todo el mundo. Se han puesto de manifiesto los contornos de la injerencia externa, en particular, estadounidense, en la disputa política doméstica que, de reivindicaciones legítimas en el plano económico ha escalado a la violencia que hoy se verifica en las calles, a pesar de los llamamientos del gobierno del presidente Daniel Ortega por el diálogo y de los compromisos que hizo.

Por Socorro Gomes*

Once again this year, dozens of Portuguese organizations have gathered around CPPC’s call to keep alive and to renew the “Yes to Peace! No to NATO!” campaign – born at the time of the important mobilizations in Portugal against the NATO Summit in Lisbon, in 2010.

The campaign actions have involved a multitude of people that distributed thousands of leaflets and other documents all around the country, spreading among the people the need to struggle for peace and disarmament, against militarism and war, consequently the need to fight against NATO and for its dissolution.


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