The regional meeting of the WPC in Europe took place successfully in London, on 26 and 27 May, 2018. The meeting was hosted by the British Peace Assembly (BPA) more than 30 years after the last such occasion. The Meeting took place a significant venue, the Marx Memorial Library, 200 years from the birth of Karl Marx, whose works continue to inspire millions of peoples in the world.

El pueblo venezolano ha ratificado a través de las urnas el camino que elige para la nación. Ahora resiste a los intentos de un cártel formado por países cuyos gobiernos cumplen los dictados imperialistas de Estados Unidos de deslegitimar los resultados electorales del 20 de mayo, porque el resultado fue una victoria abrumadora para la Revolución Bolivariana, con la reelección del presidente Nicolás Maduro.

Por Socorro Gomes*

The Venezuelan people have ratified through the ballot box the path that they choose for the nation. They now resist the attempts of a cartel made of countries whose governments bow to the US imperialist dictates to delegitimize the electoral results of May 20th, because the result was of an overwhelming victory for the Bolivarian Revolution, with President Nicolás Maduro’s reelection.

By Socorro Gomes*

O povo venezuelano ratificou nas urnas o rumo que almeja para a nação. Resiste agora à tentativa de um cartel composto por países cujos governos submetem-se aos ditames do imperialismo estadunidense de deslegitimar o resultado eleitoral de 20 de maio, porque o resultado foi o da estrondosa vitória da Revolução Bolivariana, com a reeleição do presidente Nicolás Maduro.

Por Socorro Gomes*

Forças democráticas e populares do país, da América Latina e de todo o mundo mostram-se comprometidas com a solidariedade ao povo venezuelano, em defesa da sua soberania.

Con 68% de los votos, la Revolución Bolivariana logró en las urnas una incuestionable victoria, en medio a la ofensiva contra la democracia en Venezuela. El resultado envía firme mensaje a las fuerzas reaccionárias y anti-patrióticas en el país, sumisas a los intereses del imperialismo estadounidense, haciendo frente, con la valentía garantizada por la justicia de su política, a la agresiva injerencia externa en los asuntos de Venezuela.

With 68% of the votes, the Bolivarian Revolution achieved another unquestionable victory through the ballot boxes, facing the offensive against democracy in Venezuela. This result sends a strong message to the reactionary and anti-patriotic forces in the country, who are subdued by the US imperialist interests, facing with the bravery granted by the fairness of the country's policy the aggressive international interference in Venezuela's internal affairs.

Com 68% dos votos, a Revolução Bolivariana conquistou nas urnas uma inquestionável vitória, em meio à ofensiva contra a democracia na Venezuela. Envia firme recado às forças reacionárias e anti-patrióticas no país, submissas aos interesses do imperialismo estadunidense, enfrentando com a valentia garantida pela justeza da sua política a agressiva ingerência externa nos assuntos da Venezuela.

Saudamos, com confiança e solidariedade ao heróico povo venezuelano, a nova vitória do passado 20 de maio, que reelegeu o presidente Nicolás Maduro para seguir à frente da Nação.

The Committee Against War Milan (Comitato Contro la Guerra Milano) participated at the demonstration, held Saturday 19 May in Milan, in support of the struggle of the Palestinian people, against the transfer of the US embassy to Jerusalem, which occurred just before the day of the Catastrophe (Nakba, in Arabic); 70 years of oppression and suffering for the people expelled from their land.

With the Committee Against War Milan there were also the flags of countries historically Palestine’s friends and themselves attacked by US imperialism and by Zionism too.

All India Peace & Solidarity Organisation condemns in unequivocal terms the latest Israeli assault on the Palestinian people on May 14, 2018 that killed at least 58 people and injured about 2,700, many of them in their teens. It is a matter of grave concern that Israeli forces opened fire without any provocation on peaceful demonstrators when they had gathered near the so-called Gaza border, to commemorate the anniversary of Nakba.

he Brazilian Center for Solidarity with the Peoples and Struggle for Peace (CEBRAPAZ) expresses its deep revolt against yet another episode in the massacre of the Palestinian people and its unwavering support for the struggle for a just peace, for a free and sovereign Palestine. We further express sorrow and indignation for the over 3,000 wounded and for the deaths of over 110 people -- half of them this 14th of May alone, while the USA opened its Embassy in Jerusalem, thus recognizing the city, unilaterally and illegitimately, as Israel's capital.


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