On the occasion of 20th anniversary of the aggression of NATO Alliance against Serbia (the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, the FRY), on 22nd and 23rd March 2019 Belgrade was the venue of the International Conference under slogan NEVER TO FORGET, and title “Peace and Progress instead of Wars and Poverty”. The organisers of the Conference are the Belgrade Forum for the World of Equals, the Federation of Associations of Veterans of the National Liberation War of Serbia, the Serbian Generals and Admirals Club, the Society of the Serbian Hosts, in cooperation with the World Peace Council.

To all those who share our sense of urgency about the worsening international situation, and the grave danger that war poses for the world today, we issue this Appeal for a united and powerful response.

At this critical moment, ending militarism, aggression and war, averting climate catastrophe, and tackling poverty, social disparity and related global problems should be humanity’s top priorities. Instead, political elites, especially in the countries of the NATO alliance including Canada, are pushing the world in the opposite direction.

U.S. Peace Council held a press conference at the UN announcing a peace and solidarity delegation to Venezuela.

The Solidarity Mission will take place from 10-15 March and is composed of a 15-member delegation of important porsonalities of the US Peace Council and the Canadian Peace Congress.
The WPC has actively supported and facilitated the mission together with the Committee for International Solidarity (COSI) of Venezeula.



El Centro Brasileño de Solidaridad con los Pueblos y Lucha por la Paz (CEBRAPAZ) vuelve a condenar las amenazas del gobierno de Estados Unidos y de sus aliados en la región contra Venezuela y repudia la participación de Brasil en esta farsa. Las acciones desestabilizadoras de los golpistas y del imperialismo estadounidense intensifican la crisis para derrocar al gobierno del presidente Nicolás Maduro mientras el gobierno de Donald Trump toma medidas coercitivas imponiendo sanciones que afectan al pueblo venezolano y amenazando con una criminal agresión militar.

En el momento dramático en que el peligro de guerra se abate sobre América Latina, las fuerzas de paz y de solidaridad rechazan la brutal ofensiva desencadenada por el imperialismo estadounidense contra la Revolución Bolivariana de Venezuela y el gobierno legítimo liderado por el presidente Nicolás Maduro.

Por Socorro Gomes


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