The Portuguese Council for Peace and Cooperation (CPPC) expresses its deep concern with the growing military tension in the Persian Gulf promoted by the United States of America, which brought back the threat of a new US war of aggression, this time against Iran, following the US President Donald Trump’s announcement, on May of last year, of withdrawing the US from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action on production of nuclear energy by the Islamic Republic of Iran, signed in July of 2015, between the US, China, France, United Kingdom, Russia, Germany, and Iran.
Portuguese Council for Peace and Cooperation
This text was promoted by the Portuguese Council for Peace and Cooperation, subscribed by Portuguese organizations, and sent, this August, to the Portuguese Authorities and the General Secretary of the United Nations.
Seventy-four years after the US nuclear bombings upon the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki — on August 6th and 9th of 1945 —, the Portuguese Council for Peace and Cooperation (CPPC) reaffirms the need and urgency to end this type of weapon.
At Children's Day, the Portuguese Council for Peace and Cooperation (CPPC) reaffirms its determination to continue its action for peace, cooperation and progress, which is essential for the consecration and full respect of children’s rights to a happy, healthy and full life.
The Portuguese Council for Peace and Cooperation promoted in Lisbon, on June 6, a vibrant and participated public initiative in solidarity with the peoples of Latin America. Held in Lisbon the initiative counted with the participation of Ilda Figueiredo, chairperson of CPPC, of the ambassadors of Cuba and Venezuela, of a member of the Workers Party from Brazil and a Colombian refugee, among other participants from different Portuguese organizations.
The Portuguese Council for Peace and Cooperation (CPPC) repudiates another coup attempt in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela perpetrated by the putchist extreme right-wing, in coordination and at the orders of the United States of America, against sovereignty, democracy and peace in Venezuela.
The Portuguese Council for Peace and Cooperation (CPPC) supports the appeal given the Portuguese Embassy in Venezuela, on May 2nd, and subscribed by several Venezuelan non-governmental organizations, asking the Portuguese State to fulfill its obligation and intervene with the Novo Banco ('New Bank') so the bank will release the more than 1.5 billion euros of the Venezuela State illegally retained by this bank and complete the payment orders that, in general, are aimed at paying medication, health services, food and other essential goods the Venezuelan people so needs.
On March 16 the Portuguese Council for Peace and Cooperation held, in Lisbon, the initiative "70 years of struggle for Peace" in commemoration of the 70th Anniversary of the World Peace Council, where the following text, on the decision by the US to withdraw from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF), was made public.
On March 16 the Portuguese Council for Peace and Cooperation held, in Lisbon, the initiative "70 years of struggle for Peace" in commemoration of the 70th Anniversary of the World Peace Council, read the text divulged in the initiative.
70 years ago, the First
World Congress of Peace Partisans
The Portuguese council for Peace and Cooperation, alongside two dozen other organizations, marked on april 4 in Lisbon and 5 in Porto, the 70 years of NATO with public initiatives, where the crimes of that aggressive political-military bloc were denounced as well as the dangers it represents for World peace and security.
Thousands of documents were distributed in this initiatives
CPPC’s speech in the initiative in Lisbon: