Statement on the demise of Mikis Theodorakis
Today many millions of people are mourning the passing of the great composer Mikis Theodorakis, who had dedicated his lifetime to the just cause of his people in Greece and to several other struggles of the peoples in the world. His compositions, based on poems of famous Greek poets as well as other international renowned ones, brought hundreds of songs close to the peoples, and his melodies accompanied marches, rallies and protests in dozens of countries.
Mikis Theodorakis passed away at the age of 96. Having joined the national liberation struggle against the Italian and German occupation in the 1940s, he was arrested and jailed many times, and he was banished to isolation camps of Greek islands and heavily tortured as a Communist artist and militant. His music became famous internationally and inspired the movement against the military junta from 1967-1974 in Greece. Mikis was elected as a Communist MP on behalf of KKE in the 1980s. In June 1983, during the 12th Assembly of the World Peace Council held in Prague, he was elected as one of WPC’s Vice-Presidents.
Mikis Theodorakis was embraced by the peoples struggling against imperialist aggression such as in Palestine, Cyprus, Turkey, the Balkans, the Middle East and Cuba. In May 1983, Mikis was awarded with the International Lenin Peace Prize in recognition of his great works.
Shortly before his passing, he asked in a letter to the Communist Party of Greece (KKE), stating that he wants to “leave this world as a Communist” and that he had lived the most important and great moments of his life under the flag of the KKE.
Millions of peace lovers and peace fighters will remember Mikis Theodorakis by carrying on his struggle for the unfulfilled dreams and aspirations for a world of peace and social justice.
The World Peace Council pays tribute to the legendary figure Mikis Theodorakis and expresses its condolences to his family and loved ones!
The WPC Secretariat
Athens, 2nd September 2021