"For Peace! No to NATO's Military exercises" Portugal (updated)
In the framework of the “Yes to Peace! No to NATO's military manoeuvres” campaign, promoted by the Portuguese Council for Peace and Cooperation and more than 30 other Portuguese organizations, including CGTP-IN, women and youth organizations, initiatives are taking place in Portugal.
An important initiative took place in Lisbon on October 24th. On this day a march went through down town Lisbon ending in a concentration where several artists and peace activists took the stage. The participants walked through the streets of the Portuguese capital, with flags and banners shouting slogans like “Yes to Peace! No to NATO!”.
The campaign is under way throughout the country, and thousands of documents have been distributed, mobilizing for the participation in the public initiatives like the ones that already took place in Lisbon, Oporto and Setúbal, promoting the petition against NATO. The effort is also to incentive the participation in a broad front of struggle for peace and for the dissolution of NATO, for general simultaneous and controlled disarmament, the peaceful resolution of international conflicts, non interference, and the emancipation and progress of mankind, central guidelines of the Portuguese Constitution, namely in its 7th Article.
A short video of the demonstration can be seen in this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mCdo1r6t7eA
In Oporto many peace activists, participated in a public initiative that denounced NATO's military manoeuvres, being carried out in Portugal, Spain and Italy until November 6th.
The speaches by Tiago Oliveira (Association of trade unions of Oporto - CGTP-IN), by Olga Dias (Women Democratic Movement) and by Ilda Figueiredo (Portuguese Council for Peace and Cooperation) repudiated NATO's military manoeuvres and the participation of Portuguese forces in NATO's aggressions against other peoples, defending the urgent dissolution of NATO, the end of nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction, the end of foreign military bases, general and controlled disarmament, demanding the respect for the Portuguese Constitution and the UN Charter.
Hundreds of documents were distributed.
These are two documents that were distributed on a national level by the "For Peace! No to NATO's Military exercises" campaign, promoted by the Portuguese Council for Peace and Cooperation, that has rallied more than 30 other Portuguese organizations.
Public Initiative in Setúbal took place on October 20th.
Mobilization for the march to be held on October 24th in Lisbon, contesting the ongoing NATO military manoeuvres in Portugal, Spain and Italy, was one of the main subjects in actor and director Fernando Casaca presentation, of the public initiative in Setúbal from the "For Peace! No to NATO's Military exercises" campaign.
Addresses from 7 of the more than 30 organizations that make the campaign, denounced the military manoeuvres, some of which in Setúbal district, with Setúbal's harbour as a main hub for the transit of men and equipment participating in the exercises.
Documents were distributed and signatures for the petition against NATO were collected.
The commitment in the defence of the values of April's Revolution, the respect for the Portuguese Constitution, defending Peace, solidarity and cooperation amongst the peoples of the world, was reaffirmed by all present.