Campaign for release of three comrades from the Communist Party, Turkey
Three members of the Communist Party, Turkey were arrested on May 1st in Istanbul, Turkey, for attending a demonstration in Taksim Square. The Mayday demonstrations in Istanbul are suppressed by the government for the last three years and Taksim Square is closed to all activities, especially on Mayday. This square, which has a political importance for the Turkish working class was the scene of a sudden protest by the Communist Party, although the area was blocked by the police forces. 29 members of the party were taken into custody and later three of them were arrested, simply for taking part in a demonstration in a place arbitrarily and illegally banned by the government.
An online signature petition campaign for the release of the three comrades from the Communist Party, Turkey is now under way. The website for the campaign is in Turkish,English and German. The link is
You can support the campaign by simply signing the petition.