Desde el inicio de su campaña Donald Trump, la idea de prolongar el muro de la ignomia, que desde tiempos de Clinton se empezó a construir a lo largo de la frontera, fue uno de los temas que abordo, con la agravante de que pretende que el costo lo paguemos los mexicanos.

En su desprecio hacia nuestro país Trump dijo; "No quiero tener nada que ver con México salvo la construcción de un MURO impenetrable". Y ha escrito "Me gusta provocar a mis adversarios para ver cómo reaccionan, si son débiles los aplasto y si son fuertes negocio".

The Brazilian Center for Solidarity with the Peoples and Struggle for Peace (Cebrapaz) has been following with concern the few news on secret negotiations promoted by the illegitimate Government of Michel Temer for the use of the base in Alcantara, in Maranhão state, by the United States. We vehemently reject the possible US military presence in Brazil, the surrender of Brazilian sovereignty over the Alcântara base and its Launching Center, and the costs to the autonomy of the national space program.

La lucha por la libertad logró una nueva victoria con el indulto de Oscar López Rivera, tras 36 años de cárcel en Estados Unidos por defender la independencia de Puerto Rico, todavía bajo control estadounidense. El Consejo Mundial de la Paz se une a todos los que se solidarizan con la lucha anticolonial y por el derecho a la autodeterminación, así como a los derechos políticos de activistas como Rivera.

The struggle for freedom achieved a new victory with the commutation of Oscar López Rivera's prison sentence, after 36 years in jail in the United States for defending Puerto Rico's independence from US control. The World Peace Council joins all those in solidarity with the anti-colonial struggle and for the right to self-determination, as well as for the political rights of activists such as Rivera.

A luta pela liberdade rende uma nova vitória com o indulto ao porto-riquenho Oscar López Rivera, que cumpriu 36 anos de prisão nos Estados Unidos por defender a independência do Porto Rico, ainda sob o controle estadunidense. O Conselho Mundial da Paz soma-se a todos os solidários à luta anti-colonial e pelo direito à da autodeterminação, assim como aos direitos políticos de ativistas como Rivera.

El Movimiento Mexicano por la Paz y el Desarrollo, en coordinación con la Asamblea Mundial por la Paz, convoca el próximo 6 de enero frente a la Embajada de Estados Unidos de América; a la Jornada Mundial para solicitar al Presidente Barack Obama la libertad de Oscar López Rivera, independentista puertorriqueño encarcelado desde hace más de 35 años.

The 17th regular congress of the International Federation of Resistance Fighters (FIR) – Association of Anti-Fascists took place November 18 – 20, 2016 in Prague, Czech Republic. More than 50 delegates representing anti-fascist and resistance fighters organizations from about 20 European countries participated in this congress. The congress included also a special awarding ceremony of the Michel-Vanderborght-Award as well as the commemoration of victims of fascist terror in Lidice. The congress of FIR was attended also by the World Peace Council represented by Milan Krajca.

The year of 2016 was full of threats and aggressions against the peoples. But it was also a year of renewed commitment, mobilization and hope in the struggle for a different world which is fairer and based on solidarity, friendship and cooperation among the peoples. Coup d'État, wars and aggressions, invasions, sanctions and the growing militarization of the planet are a few of the imperialist forces' instruments in the promotion of their agenda of dominance over the world, assuring their interests. They cause chaos and humanitarian crises, devastating countries,



The Greek Committee for International Détente and Peace, the Cyprus Peace Council and the Peace Committee of Turkey concluded their seventh meeting in Thessaloniki, Greece under the auspices of the World Peace Council, on December 9th-10th 2016, with the following joint statement:


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