Portuguese Council for Peace and Cooperation



Never again!

70 Years of the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

On August 6 and 9 70 years will have passed on the nuclear bombing against the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki by the United States of America. On this occasion the Portuguese Council for Peace and Cooperation (CPPC) recalls the barbaric act committed against defenceless populations at a time when the Japanese empire was already military defeated on land in Asian front and on the Pacific air and sea fronts. Japan had already started the process of surrendering to the Allied Forces.

NATO, a bellicist alliance, an extension of US military power and which acts according to its interests, will hold in Portugal, Spain and Italy from the beginning of October to November 6, 2015, vast military exercises involving more than 36 000 troops from all branches of the armed forces from member states of this alliance and 7 other "partner countries".

65 years ago, more precisely in 1949-50, emerged a worldwide structure committed to the defence of Peace, solidarity and cooperation among peoples: the World Peace Council. Emanating from organizations of resistance against Nazi-fascism, political parties, trade unions and social movements, and the concerted action of personalities of various nationalities and professions, political convictions and religious beliefs, the worldwide Peace movement found expression in dozens of countries from all continents.


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