
Today, November 29, marks the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, designated by the UN.

This date marks the adoption, exactly 70 years ago, by the United Nations General Assembly of Resolution 181, which called for the division of Palestine into two states, one Arab and one Jewish, the first being constituted by 44% of the territory and the second by 55%; Jerusalem and Bethlehem would remain international zones.

The Portuguese Council for Peace and Cooperation (CPPC) welcomes the United Nations General Assembly's call for an end to the blockade imposed by the United States on Cuba and expresses its solidarity with the Cuban State and people and reiterates its confidence in their victory.

Once again, the UN General Assembly adopted on November 1 a new resolution stressing the need to put an end to the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by the United States on Cuba. Of the 193 Member States, 191 voted in favour and only the US and Israel voted against it.

This November marks the centenary of the Balfour Declaration, a turning point in the history of Palestine and of the Palestinian people in the last seven decades. In this secret message, sent by the then British Foreign Secretary Lord Arthur Balfour to the Zionist leader Walter Rothschild, the British empire supported by the creation of a "national home for the Jewish people in Palestine" and the best endeavours "to achieve this objective”. At the same time, publicly, the British authorities made empty promises to the Arab populations, which they would never fulfil.

Discurso de Socorro Gomes, Presidenta del Consejo Mundial de la Paz, en las conmemoraciones del Centenario de la Revolución de Octubre, eventos del Partido Comunista de la Federación Rusa
Noviembre de 2017 | San Petersburgo y Moscú, Rusia

Queridas compañeras e y queridos compañeros,

Estimados compañeros del Partido Comunista de la Federación Rusa.

Discurso de Socorro Gomes, Presidenta do Conselho Mundial da Paz, nas comemorações do Centenário da Revolução de Outubro, eventos do Partido Comunista da Federação Russa
Novembro de 2017 | São Petersburgo e Moscou, Rússia

Queridas companheiros e queridos companheiros,

Estimados companheiros do Partido Comunista da Federação Russa,

We reject in the strongest terms the decision of the Moroccan authorities to expel parliamentarians from Izquierda Unida (United Left) of the European Parliament on Friday (27 October), preventing their visit to Western Sahara. The Kingdom of Morocco has often sought to prevent access to the territory occupied militarily of journalists, activists and parliamentarians who seek to know firsthand the reality of the Saharawi people under occupation.

Rechazamos en los más severos términos la decisión de las autoridades marroquíes de expulsar a eurodiputados de Izquierda Unida el viernes (27 de octubre), impidiendo su visita al Sahara Occidental. El Reino de Marruecos a menudo busca impedir el acceso al territorio ocupado militarmente a periodistas, activistas y parlamentarios que buscan conocer de primera mano la realidad del pueblo saharaui bajo ocupación.

Rechaçamos nos mais firmes termos a decisão das autoridades marroquinas de expulsar deputados da Izquierda Unida do Parlamento Europeu, na sexta-feira (27 de outubro), impedindo sua visita ao Saara Ocidental. O Reino do Marrocos tem frequentemente buscado impedir o acesso ao território ocupado militarmente por parte de jornalistas, ativistas e parlamentares que buscam conhecer em primeira mão a realidade do povo saaráui sob ocupação.


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