
The World Peace Council denounces strongly the Coup d’ Etat in Bolivia, sponsored and supported by the US Imperialists, hand in hand with the local oligarchy and their well-known instrument, the Organisation of American States (OAS). The subversive and destabilizing actions carried out after the Elections of 20th October in the country and the actions to divide and hijack the army and police led to the long desired and planned overthrow of the legitimately re-elected President Evo Morales.

El 10 de noviembre de 2019, otro golpe de estado se consolida en la resistente América Latina. Entre los avances y retrocesos de la lucha del pueblo latinoamericano, el golpe de estado que retira al presidente Evo Morales del gobierno boliviano es sin duda uno de los reveses más agresivos de los últimos tiempos. Por esta razón, las entidades democráticas y de paz en todo el mundo ya están expresando su solidaridad con el pueblo boliviano en su resistencia y lucha, para enfrentar con valentía el desarrollo de este complot.

On November 10, 2019, another coup d'état took place in the unyielding Latin America. Among the advances and setbacks of the Latin American peoples’ struggles, the coup that removes President Evo Morales from the Bolivian Government is undoubtedly one of the most aggressive setbacks of recent times. For this reason, democratic and peace organizations around the world are already expressing their solidarity with the Bolivian people in their resistance and struggle, in order to face with courage this plot’s development.

Em 10 de novembro de 2019, consolida-se mais um golpe de estado na aguerrida América Latina. Entre os avanços e retrocessos da luta do povo latino-americano, o golpe que remove do Governo boliviano o presidente Evo Morales é, sem dúvida, um dos mais agressivos retrocessos dos últimos tempos. Por isso, entidades democráticas e da paz em todo o mundo já manifestam sua solidariedade ao povo boliviano na resistência e na luta, para enfrentar com a coragem de sempre, o desenrolar desta trama.

Since 2013, 26 September has been, by decision of the UN General Assembly, the International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons.

Reputable scientists warn that the explosion of only one percent of today's deployed nuclear weapons in the world would amount to about 4000 times the energy released by the US atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima in 1945.

World Peace Council European member organizations have held a meeting in Basel, Switzerland on the 21 and 22 September.

The meeting, hosted by Swiss Peace Movement and presided by the Portuguese Council for Peace and Cooperation, as WPC regional coordinator, started on the International Day of Peace, and also at the date of the 70th anniversary of the Swiss Peace Movement.


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