Portuguese Council for Peace and Cooperation



The Appeal "Stop the War! Give Peace a Chance", launched by the Portuguese Council for Peace and Cooperation (CPPC), aimed at carrying out actions in defence of Peace, was supported by several organizations and six public initiatives were held.
It began in Viseu, on the 11th of February, and ended in Porto on the 18th of February, after, on the 16th, actions had taken place in Lisbon, Évora and Setúbal and, on the 17th, in Corroios and a human cord in Coimbra.

On February 6 and 7, regions of Syria and Turkey were strongly rocked by an earthquake that resulted in the collapse of thousands of homes, causing thousands of deaths and injuries.

The Portuguese Council for Peace and Cooperation expressed its condolences to the Syrian National Peace Council and the Peace Committee of Turkey – members of the World Peace Council – expressing solidarity with the peoples of
Syria and Turkey.

In March, June and October 2022, thousands of people converged in defence of peace, in important public acts, parades and gatherings that took place throughout the country.

In 2023, we will take to the streets again because it is urgent:

To stop confrontation and war, whether in Palestine, Western Sahara, Syria, Yemen or Ukraine, with the tragic consequences and serious dangers they entail.

In a context in which we see an increasing urgent need for the adoption of positive measures and peaceful solutions to conflicts that will never be resolved through war, the Portuguese Council for Peace and Cooperation views with concern the Joint European Union-NATO
Declaration on Cooperation, adopted last January 10 th . This declaration not only does not respond to this urgent need, but is an exercise in hypocrisy, with a new and more serious threat to peace and security in Europe.

The Portuguese Council for Peace and Cooperation (CPPC) condemns and repudiates the fascist actions against democracy in Brazil, namely the attempted coups against Brazilian federal institutions that took place yesterday, January 8, a few days after the
new president Lula da Silva was sworn into office.

On International Migrants Day, which is celebrated annually on December 18, after being adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations, the Portuguese Council for Peace and Cooperation (CPPC) remembers all those who, pushed by wars, sanctions
and economic blockades imposed on their countries, are forced to leave their homes, their lands, their culture, in search of a better life.

On November 3, the General Assembly of the United Nations (UN) adopted a resolution demanding the lifting of the blockade imposed on Cuba by the United States of America.
In this vote, 185 countries were in favour of the resolution demanding an end to this criminal and illegal economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed on Cuba since 1962. Significantly, only the United States of America and Israel voted
against it, and Ukraine and Brazil abstained.

The Portuguese Council for Peace and Cooperation (CPPC) does not forget the courageous Palestinian people and their struggle to live in peace, free and independent, in a sovereign and viable State with borders prior to July 4, 1967, and capital in East Jerusalem.
The illegalities and crimes of the Israeli regime against the Palestinian people are numerous and of extreme gravity, but they continue with the connivance of those who, due to opportunism, effective complicity or, simply, bowed before the great protector of Zionism, the


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